
In Text Citation (in APA format)#

Citation (APA Format)#

LastName, A., LastName, B. (YEAR). Article Title. Journal, Issue(Volume), page-numbers. DOI,

Citation (Nature Format)#

  1. LastName, A., LastName, B., Article Title. Journal, Volume, page-numbers (YEAR).

1-2 sentence summary (in your own words)#

 1. What did they do (what activities)? 
 2. What did they measure (what data)?
 3. What did they find (what results)?
 4. What does it mean (what new knowledge)?

Method figure#

copy paste the main methods figure, if there is one

Main Results figure#

copy the (or one of the) main results figure

Tags, Keywords, and important phrases#

what species was studied? What tools were used? What kind of data did they get? What was the main topic?
(NOTE - formatting is `#tag` with **no space** between the `#` and the `tag`)
