How to create a pull request from HackMD
How to create a pull request from HackMD#
This guide will outline the steps to:
create a new note on
push that note to a new branch on class GitHub repository
a GitHub account
a HackMD account
‘Write access’ to the GitHub repository
2. Give your note a title and add whatever content you want#
3. Click the three dots “…” in the top right of the HackMD window#
4. Select “Versions and GitHub Sync”#
6. Fill out the information needed:#
Set the “Select Repo” to Biol2299-Matthis-Fall2022/Biol2299-Matthis-Fall2022
If you don’t see this repo, click the “Authorize more repos” button and follow the prompts there
7. Create a new “branch” on the GitHub repo to push your changes to#
branch of the repo is “protected,” which means you can’t push changes directly to itA “branch” is a place to stage changes so they can be reviewed by other people before being “merged” into
The name of the branch isn’t super important (it will be deleted upon merge), but you can call it:
8. Select the path for the file you are pushing changes to#
If you are making a new file, you can create it by specifying the path and filename, e.g
docs/Shared Bibliography/
9. Write a short description of the changes in the “Name”#
That should be it!! ✨#
Your changes should now exist on a new branch on the GitHub repository :D