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9/28 Class
Neural Bases of Postural Control
Template article summary
Deliagina, T. G., Orlovsky, G. N., Zelenin, P. V., & Beloozerova, I. N. (2006). Neural Bases of Postural Control. Physiology, 21(3), 216–225.
1-2 sentence summary (in your own words)
Some people did a study. This did it for this reason. Here’s what they found.
Review of how different parts of the nervous system each contribute to postural control. Although different organisms have different anatomy, the information collected by the nervous system is used in a similar way to accomodate gravity and changes in position.
Method figure
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Main Results figure
During the last decade, due to a use of different animal models and novel techniques, considerable progress has been made in understanding the functional organization of postural mechanisms and in the analysis of the corresponding neuronal networks. In simpler animals, striking similarities in the functioning of postural mechanisms (such as interaction of antagonistic postural reflexes) were found between species as remote as vertebrates and invertebrates. When the mammals and the lower species were compared, considerable distinctions in the design of postural mechanisms were found, such as separate control of different parts of the body as well as a multi-level structure of the control mechanisms in mammals. A common feature of postural mechanisms in all investigated species was the ability to gradually change the stabilized posture by changing a set point in the control system.
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#kinetic #muscles #spinal-cord #neurosceince #posturalcontrol #marine #vertabrate #rabbit #somatosensory
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